Sign up to NextCaptcha and get the free trial CAPTCHAs solver service.
Build the API requests task with your target websiteKey.
Sumbit g-recaptcha-response with CAPTCHA protected pages and scrape the reCAPTCHA v2 website or the api data.
how to get the reCAPTCHA Mobile task param's appPackageName form IOS app with macOS
Rename the .ipa file suffix to .zip, unzip the .zip package, and there will be a Payload folder. Click on the Payload folder and there will be an .app file.
Right click on the .app file -> Show Package content. A new folder will open containing many files.
Open the file info.plist with Xcode and you can find the bundle id, similar to ``
how to get the reCAPTCHA Mobile task param's appPackageName with the app id
Open your browser and search for the app's iTunes link in the App Store. For example: ``.
Copy the number after the id in the URL, such as 951937596.
Open browser ``.
for example, ``. When prompted to download the text file, save the file. The default name is 1.txt.
Open the 1.txt file and search for bundleId. For example: `'bundleId':''`
how to get the reCAPTCHA Mobile task param's appPackageName name
Open your device's app list
Find the application you want to view the package name and long press the application icon
In the pop-up menu, select 'Application Information' (different Android system versions may be slightly different)
In the application information page, you can see the application name, version number, package name and other related information.
"task": {
from nextcaptcha import NextCaptchaAPI
api = NextCaptchaAPI(client_key="YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")
result = api.recaptcha_mobile(app_key="APP_KEY", app_package_name="APP_PACKAGE_NAME", app_action="APP_ACTION")