params of recaptcha v2 / recaptcha v2 invisible solve task
a. websiteURL
b. websiteKey
c. recaptchaDataSValue
d. isInvisible
params of recaptcha v2 Enterprise solve task
a. websiteURL
b. websiteKey
c. pageAction
d. enterprisePayload
e. isInvisible
params of recaptcha v3 / recaptcha v3 Enterprise solve task
a. websiteURL
b. websiteKey
c. pageAction
How to distinguish between Enterprise Edition and Regular Edition
a. open the browser console and to find which the `` reqeests end with `anchor`
b. Check if url contains Enterprise
c. this is the recaptcha type of Enterprise or Regular
How to find the `websiteKey`
a. open the browser console and to find which the `` reqeests end with `anchor`
b. the payload of `k` is the target websitekey
how to find the `recaptchaDataSValue`
a. open the browser console and to find which the `` reqeests end with `anchor`
b. the payload of `s` is the target recaptcha website `recaptchaDataSValue`
how to find distinguish the `invisible`
a. open the browser console and to find which the `` reqeests end with `anchor`
b. the payload of `size` is the target recaptcha website `isInvisible` value
how to find the recaptcha `pageAction`
a. `getMessageFallback` called for how-to-find-the-params-of-recaptcha-solve-task.list5-
b. find it in `___grecaptcha_cfg.clients`
function getRecaptchaWidgetInfo(widget) {
let info = {
captchaType: "recaptcha",
version: "v2",
sitekey: null,
action: null,
s: null,
callback: null,
enterprise: window?.grecaptcha?.enterprise ? true : false,
containerId: null,
bindedButtonId: null,
* Check if is badge
let isBadge = false;
mainLoop: for (let k1 in widget) {
if (typeof widget[k1] !== "object") continue;
for (let k2 in widget[k1]) {
if (widget[k1][k2] && widget[k1][k2].classList && widget[k1][k2].classList.contains("grecaptcha-badge")) {
isBadge = true;
break mainLoop;
* 1. Look for version
if (isBadge) {
info.version = "v3";
for (let k1 in widget) {
let obj = widget[k1];
if (typeof obj !== "object") continue;
for (let k2 in obj) {
if (typeof obj[k2] !== "string") continue;
if (obj[k2] == "fullscreen") info.version = "v2_invisible";
* 2. Look for containerId
let n1;
for (let k in widget) {
if (widget[k] && widget[k].nodeType) {
if (widget[k].id) {
info.containerId = widget[k].id;
} else if (widget[k].dataset.sitekey) {
widget[k].id = "recaptcha-container-" +;
info.containerId = widget[k].id;
} else if (info.version == 'v2') {
if (!n1) {
n1 = widget[k];
if (widget[k].isSameNode(n1)) {
widget[k].id = "recaptcha-container-" +;
info.containerId = widget[k].id;
* 3. Look for sitekey, action, s and callback
for (let k1 in widget) {
let obj = widget[k1];
if (typeof obj !== "object") continue;
for (let k2 in obj) {
if (obj[k2] === null) continue;
if (typeof obj[k2] !== "object") continue;
if (obj[k2].sitekey === undefined) continue;
if (obj[k2].action === undefined) continue;
for (let k3 in obj[k2]) {
if (k3 === "sitekey") info.sitekey = obj[k2][k3];
if (k3 === "action") info.action = obj[k2][k3];
if (k3 === "s") info.s = obj[k2][k3];
if (k3 === "callback") info.callback = obj[k2][k3];
if (k3 === "bind" && obj[k2][k3]) {
if (typeof obj[k2][k3] === "string") {
info.bindedButtonId = obj[k2][k3];
} else {
let button = obj[k2][k3];
if ( === undefined) { = "recaptchaBindedElement" +;
info.bindedButtonId =;
* 4. Prepare callback
if (typeof info.callback === "function") {
let callbackKey = "reCaptchaWidgetCallback" +;
window[callbackKey] = info.callback;
info.callback = callbackKey;
return info;