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High scores recaptcha v3 token with python#

August 07,2024
Bypassing reCAPTCHA v3 with high scores using Python and NextCaptcha involves a few steps. Here is a general guide on how to achieve this: A high-score reCAPTCHA token is essential for ensuring successful validation and bypass of the reCAPTCHA v3 challenge. reCAPTCHA v3 uses a scoring system to differentiate between human and bot traffic. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the traffic is from a legitimate user. This guide ensures that the token retrieved from NextCaptcha meets the high-score criteria, typically above 0.7, to maximize the chances of successful verification.
  • Set Up Python Environment:

    Make sure you have Python installed. You will also need to install necessary libraries such as requests.

       pip install requests

  • Sign Up for NextCaptcha:

    Register an account with NextCaptcha and get your API key.

  • Solve reCAPTCHA v3 using NextCaptcha.:

    NextCaptcha provides an API to solve reCAPTCHA challenges. You need to send a request to their service, and they will return a token that can be used to bypass the CAPTCHA.

  • Integrate with Your Application:

    Use the token provided by NextCaptcha to bypass the reCAPTCHA in your application.

Here is a Python script demonstrating this process:
import requests
# Your NextCaptcha API key
site_key = '6LcAbwIqAAAAAJvVAhSSJ8qzYsujc7kn1knmSgQX'
page_url = ''
# Step 1: Send a request to NextCaptcha to solve the reCAPTCHA
captcha_request_url = ''
payload = {
    'clientKey': api_key,
    'task': {
        'websiteURL': page_url,
        'websiteKey': site_key,
        'pageAction': 'submit'
response =, data=payload)
if response.status_code != 200:
    print('Failed to send request to NextCaptcha')
response_data = response.json()
captcha_id = response_data.get('taskId')
# Step 2: Retrieve the solved token from NextCaptcha
retrieve_url = ''
params = {
    'clientKey': api_key,
    'taskId': captcha_id
solution = None
while solution is None:
    time.sleep(1)  # Wait a few seconds before checking again
    response ='', data={
		  "clientKey": "api key",
		  "taskId": request_id
    if response.json().get('errorId') == 0:
        solution = response.json().get('solution')
# The reCAPTCHA token
recaptcha_token = solution["gRecaptchaResponse"]
print(f'Successfully retrieved token: {recaptcha_token}')
# Step 3: Use the token in the verify API endpoint
verify_url = ''
verify_payload = {
    'siteKey': site_key,
    'gRecaptchaResponse': token,
    'action': 'submit'
verify_response =, json=verify_payload)
if verify_response.status_code == 200:
    print('Verification response:', verify_response.json())
    print('Failed to verify token')

Integrate with Your Application#

  • Set Up Environment:: Ensure Python and requests library are installed.
  • Request Solution: Send a request to NextCaptcha with the required parameters to solve the reCAPTCHA.
  • Retrieve Token: Poll NextCaptcha for the solved token.
  • Verify Token: Send the solved token to the specified verification API endpoint.
This script will help you bypass reCAPTCHA v3 by leveraging the NextCaptcha service and the provided API details.