How to Use NextCaptcha’s reCAPTCHA WebsiteInfo CAPTURE Extension to Boost Your reCAPTCHA v3 Score#

This tutorial guides you through using the NextCaptcha reCAPTCHA WebsiteInfo CAPTURE Chrome extension to collect detailed information about a target website, which can help improve your reCAPTCHA v3 token score
this guide is also useful for improving the reCAPTCHA v2 invisible/reCAPTCHA v2 Enterprise token score, leveraging insights captured through the NextCaptcha WebsiteInfo CAPTURE extension
Steps to Use the WebsiteInfo CAPTURE Extension#
Install the Extension
Download and install the NextCaptcha reCAPTCHA WebsiteInfo CAPTURE Chrome extension
Navigate to chrome://extensions/, turn on developer mode, and then load unpacked(select the unzip extension folders)
Navigate to the Target reCAPTCHA Page
Open Chrome and go to the website with the reCAPTCHA challenge you want to analyze.
Access the Browser Console
Right-click on the page and select **Inspect**
Go to the **NextCaptcha** tab in the Developer Tools window.
**Initiate the reCAPTCHA Verification
Begin the reCAPTCHA verification on the target page as you normally would. The extension will now start capturing essential data.
**Viewing the Payload Information
Once the reCAPTCHA verification process starts, the extension will display the `create task` payload in the Console. This payload contains useful details about the reCAPTCHA setup on the target website.
tip: If the page reloads automatically after verification, ensure **Preserve Log** is enabled in the Console to keep the data visible. You can enable this by checking the **Preserve Log** box.
Understanding the Captured Information#
The `WebsiteInfo` payload provides detailed insights into the reCAPTCHA configuration. This data can be useful for optimizing your approach to boost reCAPTCHA v3 token scores.