
如何找到 reCAPTCHA 解决任务的正确参数#

April 22,2024

解决并绕过 reCAPTCHA 求解器服务#

要构建 recaptcha v2、recaptcha v2 invisible、recaptcha v2 Enterprise、recaptcha v3 或 recaptcha v3 Enterprise验证码解决任务,这里有几个关键参数
  • params of recaptcha v2 / recaptcha v2 invisible solve task
    a. websiteURL
    b. websiteKey
    c. recaptchaDataSValue
    d. isInvisible

  • params of recaptcha v2 Enterprise solve task
    a. websiteURL
    b. websiteKey
    c. pageAction
    d. enterprisePayload
    e. isInvisible

  • params of recaptcha v3 / recaptcha v3 Enterprise solve task
    a. websiteURL
    b. websiteKey
    c. pageAction

接下来我将向大家展示几种查找 recaptcha v2、recaptcha v2 invisible、recaptcha v2 Enterprise、recaptcha v3 或 recaptcha v3 Enterprise 解决任务的相关参数的方法。
  • 如何区分企业版和普通版
    a. 打开浏览器控制台并找到以“anchor”结尾的“www.google.com/recaptcha”请求
    b. 检查网址是否包含 Enterprise
    c. 这是企业版或普通版的 recaptcha类型

  • 如何找到“websiteKey”
    a. 打开浏览器控制台并找到以“anchor”结尾的“www.google.com/recaptcha”请求
    b. “k”的有效载荷是目标网站密钥

  • 如何找到“recaptchaDataSValue”
    a. 打开浏览器控制台并找到以“anchor”结尾的“www.google.com/recaptcha”请求
    b. `s` 的 payload 是目标 recaptcha 网站 `recaptchaDataSValue`

  • 如何发现和区分“看不见”
    a. 打开浏览器控制台并找到以“anchor”结尾的“www.google.com/recaptcha”请求
    b. `size` 的有效载荷是目标 recaptcha 网站的 `isInvisible` 值

  • 如何找到 recaptcha `pageAction`
    a. `getMessageFallback` called for how-to-find-the-params-of-recaptcha-solve-task.list5-
    b. 在`___grecaptcha_cfg.clients`中找到它

接下来我将向大家展示几种查找 recaptcha v2、recaptcha v2 invisible、recaptcha v2 Enterprise、recaptcha v3 或 recaptcha v3 Enterprise 解决任务的相关参数的方法。
function getRecaptchaWidgetInfo(widget) {
  let info = {
    captchaType: "recaptcha",
    widgetId: widget.id,
    version: "v2",
    sitekey: null,
    action: null,
    s: null,
    callback: null,
    enterprise: window?.grecaptcha?.enterprise ? true : false,
    containerId: null,
    bindedButtonId: null,

   * Check if is badge
  let isBadge = false;

  mainLoop: for (let k1 in widget) {
    if (typeof widget[k1] !== "object") continue;

    for (let k2 in widget[k1]) {
      if (widget[k1][k2] && widget[k1][k2].classList && widget[k1][k2].classList.contains("grecaptcha-badge")) {
        isBadge = true;
        break mainLoop;

   * 1. Look for version
  if (isBadge) {
    info.version = "v3";

    for (let k1 in widget) {
      let obj = widget[k1];

      if (typeof obj !== "object") continue;

      for (let k2 in obj) {
        if (typeof obj[k2] !== "string") continue;
        if (obj[k2] == "fullscreen") info.version = "v2_invisible";

   * 2. Look for containerId
  let n1;
  for (let k in widget) {
    if (widget[k] && widget[k].nodeType) {
      if (widget[k].id) {
        info.containerId = widget[k].id;
      } else if (widget[k].dataset.sitekey) {
        widget[k].id = "recaptcha-container-" + Date.now();
        info.containerId = widget[k].id;
      } else if (info.version == 'v2') {
        if (!n1) {
          n1 = widget[k];

        if (widget[k].isSameNode(n1)) {
          widget[k].id = "recaptcha-container-" + Date.now();
          info.containerId = widget[k].id;

   * 3. Look for sitekey, action, s and callback
  for (let k1 in widget) {
    let obj = widget[k1];

    if (typeof obj !== "object") continue;

    for (let k2 in obj) {
      if (obj[k2] === null) continue;
      if (typeof obj[k2] !== "object") continue;
      if (obj[k2].sitekey === undefined) continue;
      if (obj[k2].action === undefined) continue;

      for (let k3 in obj[k2]) {
        if (k3 === "sitekey") info.sitekey = obj[k2][k3];
        if (k3 === "action") info.action = obj[k2][k3];
        if (k3 === "s") info.s = obj[k2][k3];
        if (k3 === "callback") info.callback = obj[k2][k3];
        if (k3 === "bind" && obj[k2][k3]) {
          if (typeof obj[k2][k3] === "string") {
            info.bindedButtonId = obj[k2][k3];
          } else {
            let button = obj[k2][k3];
            if (button.id === undefined) {
              button.id = "recaptchaBindedElement" + widget.id;
            info.bindedButtonId = button.id;

   * 4. Prepare callback
  if (typeof info.callback === "function") {
    let callbackKey = "reCaptchaWidgetCallback" + widget.id;
    window[callbackKey] = info.callback;
    info.callback = callbackKey;

  return info;

打开浏览器控制台,粘贴此代码并按 Enter,然后输入 `getRecaptchaWidgetInfo(___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0])`


要解决 reCAPTCHA 挑战,您必须注意这些参数,因为它们对于验证码解算器正常运行至关重要。