Registrati per un account NextCaptcha: Vai su NextCaptcha e registrati per ottenere la tua chiave API.
Installa i pacchetti Python necessari: Assicurati di avere requests
installato. Puoi installarlo usando pip se non lo hai già:
pip install requests
Vai alla pagina con il reCAPTCHA.
Ispeziona la fonte della pagina: Fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse sulla pagina e selezionare "Ispeziona" o "Visualizza sorgente pagina".
Cerca la chiave del sito: Cercare il data-sitekey
attributo nell'HTML. Apparirà più o meno così:
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"></div>
Copia questo YOUR_SITE_KEY
Invia una richiesta a NextCaptcha per risolvere il reCAPTCHA v3:
import requests
# Your NextCaptcha API key
# The URL of the page with the reCAPTCHA
# The site key for reCAPTCHA v3
site_key = 'YOUR_SITE_KEY'
# Requesting the reCAPTCHA solution
response ='', data={
"clientKey": API_KEY,
"task": {
request_id = response.json().get('taskId')
Sondaggio per la soluzione:
import time
solution = None
while solution is None:
time.sleep(1) # Wait a few seconds before checking again
response ='', data={
"clientKey": "api key",
"taskId": request_id
if response.json().get('errorId') == 0:
solution = response.json().get('solution')
# The reCAPTCHA token
recaptcha_token = solution["gRecaptchaResponse"]
print(f'reCAPTCHA token: {recaptcha_token}')
# URL where the form is submitted
form_submit_url = 'URL_TO_SUBMIT_FORM'
# Form data including the reCAPTCHA token
form_data = {
'some_form_field': 'value',
'g-recaptcha-response': recaptcha_token
# Submit the form
response =, data=form_data)
Combinando tutti i passaggi, ecco il codice completo:
import requests
import time
# Your NextCaptcha API key
# The URL of the page with the reCAPTCHA
# The site key for reCAPTCHA v3
site_key = 'YOUR_SITE_KEY'
# Requesting the reCAPTCHA solution
response ='', data={
"clientKey": API_KEY,
"task": {
task_id = response.json().get('taskId')
solution = None
while solution is None:
time.sleep(1) # Wait a few seconds before checking again
response ='', data={
"clientKey": "api key",
"taskId": task_id
if response.json().get('errorId') == 0:
solution = response.json().get('solution')
# The reCAPTCHA token
recaptcha_token = solution["gRecaptchaResponse"]
print(f'reCAPTCHA token: {recaptcha_token}')
# URL where the form is submitted
form_submit_url = 'URL_TO_SUBMIT_FORM'
# Form data including the reCAPTCHA token
form_data = {
'some_form_field': 'value',
'g-recaptcha-response': recaptcha_token
# Submit the form
response =, data=form_data)