name | type | Required | Description |
type | String | Yes | RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTask |
websiteURL | String | Yes | Complete URL of the target page for loading the Captcha |
websiteKey | String | Yes | reCAPTCHA website key. This can be found in the data-sitekey attribute of the reCAPTCHA div element or in the k parameter of a request to the reCAPTHCHA API. |
pageAction | String | No | For additional parameters, you can search grecaptcha.execute to find the action parameters |
enterprisePayload | Object | No | s parameter in grecaptcha.enterprise.render |
isInvisible | Boolean | No | For the invisible version of reCAPTCHA, pass true - you won't see the checkbox, but the challenge will appear. Mostly used with callback functions |
apiDomain | String | No | Domain name used to load Captcha: or Default: |
proxyType | String | Yes | Proxy type:`http`, `socks4`, `socks5` |
proxyAddress | String | Yes | Proxy server IP address or hostname |
proxyPort | Integer | Yes | proxy port |
proxyLogin | String | No | Proxy login name |
proxyPassword | String | No | Proxy login password |
title | String | No | the recaptcha trigger page title (press f12 to open the console, then enter document.title) |
websiteInfo | String | No | Detailed information about a target website the tutorial guides how to get this data, and optimizing your approach to boost reCAPTCHA token scores |
API endpoint:
method: POST
Content type: application/json
"clientKey":"api key",
"task": {
"enterprisePayload": { "s": "eyJ0eXAi..." },
"errorId": 0,
"status": "ready",
"solution": {
"gRecaptchaResponse": "03AGdBq26gJ8Yq3z3Zzv"
"createTime": 1701234567890,
"endTime": 1701234567890
import os
import sys
from nextcaptcha import NextCaptchaAPI
client_key = os.getenv('NEXTCAPTCHA_KEY', "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")
api = NextCaptchaAPI(client_key=client_key)
result = api.recaptchav2enterprise(website_url="", website_key="SITE_KEY")
except Exception as e:
sys.exit('solved: ' + str(result))
package main
import (
func main() {
api := nextcaptcha.NewNextCaptchaAPI("API_KEY")
result, err := api.RecaptchaV2Enterprise("", "SITE_KEY", nextcaptcha.RecaptchaV3Options{})
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("result "+result)
string clientKey = "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY";
string solftId = ""; // Optional
string callbackUrl = ""; // Optional
bool openLog = true; // Optional
var nextCaptchaAPI = new NextCaptchaAPI(clientKey, solftId, callbackUrl, openLog);
string websiteUrl = "";
string websiteKey = "YOUR_WEBSITE_KEY";
Dictionary<string, object> enterprisePayload = null; // Optional
bool isInvisible = false; // Optional
string apiDomain = ""; // Optional
var result = await nextCaptchaAPI.SolveRecaptchaV2EnterpriseAsync(websiteUrl, websiteKey, enterprisePayload, isInvisible, apiDomain);