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reCAPTCHA Enterprise V2#

Token-based automatic solving method for reCAPTCHA V2 Enterprise.
The received token can then be sent to the target website within the g-recaptcha-response form field or passed to a callback function. The method is the same as reCAPTCHA V2, but uses the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API to load the Captcha.
Price: $0.6/K

RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTask Task object structure#

websiteURLStringYesComplete URL of the target page for loading the Captcha
websiteKeyStringYesreCAPTCHA website key. This can be found in the data-sitekey attribute of the reCAPTCHA div element or in the k parameter of a request to the reCAPTHCHA API.
pageActionStringNoFor additional parameters, you can search grecaptcha.execute to find the action parameters
enterprisePayloadObjectNos parameter in grecaptcha.enterprise.render
isInvisibleBooleanNoFor the invisible version of reCAPTCHA, pass true - you won't see the checkbox, but the challenge will appear. Mostly used with callback functions
apiDomainStringNoDomain name used to load Captcha: or Default:
proxyTypeStringYesProxy type:`http`, `socks4`, `socks5`
proxyAddressStringYesProxy server IP address or hostname
proxyPortIntegerYesproxy port
proxyLoginStringNoProxy login name
proxyPasswordStringNoProxy login password
titleStringNothe recaptcha trigger page title (press f12 to open the console, then enter document.title)
websiteInfoStringNoDetailed information about a target website the tutorial guides how to get this data, and optimizing your approach to boost reCAPTCHA token scores

Request example#

API endpoint:

method: POST

Content type: application/json

    "clientKey":"api key",
    "task": {
        "enterprisePayload": { "s":  "eyJ0eXAi..." },

Response example#

  "errorId": 0,
  "status": "ready",
  "solution": {
    "gRecaptchaResponse": "03AGdBq26gJ8Yq3z3Zzv"
  "createTime": 1701234567890,
  "endTime": 1701234567890

Sample Code#

import os
import sys
from nextcaptcha import NextCaptchaAPI
client_key = os.getenv('NEXTCAPTCHA_KEY', "YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")
api = NextCaptchaAPI(client_key=client_key)
  result = api.recaptchav2enterprise(website_url="", website_key="SITE_KEY")
except Exception as e:
  sys.exit('solved: ' + str(result))

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