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Token-based automatic solving method for reCAPTCHA V3.
The ReCaptchaV3HSTaskProxyLess API generates high-score reCAPTCHA v3 tokens without needing proxies, improving bypass rates with advanced token generation optimized for websites requiring high-trust scores.
Price: $1.0/K

ReCaptchaV3HSTaskProxyLess Task object structure#

websiteURLStringYesComplete URL of the target page for loading the Captcha
websiteKeyStringYesreCAPTCHA website key. This can be found in the data-sitekey attribute of the reCAPTCHA div element or in the k parameter of a request to the reCAPTHCHA API.
pageActionStringNoFor additional parameters, you can search grecaptcha.execute to find the action parameters
apiDomainStringNoDomain name used to load Captcha: or Default:
titleStringNothe recaptcha trigger page title (press f12 to open the console, then enter document.title)
websiteInfoStringNoDetailed information about a target website the tutorial guides how to get this data, and optimizing your approach to boost reCAPTCHA token scores

Request example#

API endpoint:

method: POST

Content type: application/json

    "clientKey":"api key",
    "task": {

Response example#

  "errorId": 0,
  "status": "ready",
  "solution": {
    "gRecaptchaResponse": "03AGdBq26gJ8v3Z3J9z3..."
  "createTime": 1701234567890,
  "endTime": 1701234567890

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